Wednesday, September 23, 2015

8th Grade Project: Famous French Person

Who was the painter that cut off his ear? Who designed the Eiffel Tower? Did you know a French person invented the first permanent camera photograph? Through this project, we shall find the answers to these questions plus a whole lot more about famous French people you never knew existed.
Louis Pasteur
French National Soccer Team player, Zinedine Zidane

The students will choose a famous French person from any area of French culture, including history, art , music,science, sports, entertainment, etc.. Using class time, they will prepare a report and presentation to be given in class. 
*more detailed instructions will be handed out in class*
Napoleon Bonaparte

Joan of Arc
Tony Parker, San Antonio Spurs

Project due Wednesday, October 14

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

7th Grade Voyage en Train Project

Un voyage en train!

In Chapter 9, the 7th grade is learning all about train travel in France and how convenient it is to travel by rail in France and throughout Europe. Using class time, they will complete a series of tasks and questions related to a trip they will create. Bon Voyage!

Directions: Imagine you are currently spending a year studying in Paris, France.  Because of Fall Break, you will have a long weekend Thursday, October 15-Sunday, October 18, and you want to take advantage of the 4 days to visit another city in France. You will travel via TRAIN. Use to find your tickets.
*more detailed instructions will be handed out in class*

Assignment due at the end of class WEDNESDAY, October 14, 2015.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Online Access to Bon Voyage 1 Textbook and Workbook

Great news! I have finally gained access to the online version of the Bon Voyage 1 (red) textbook and workbook. Now you don't have to lug one more heavy textbook home whenever you need to work on French homework! Please note that access through the Google Chrome browser is not available, only Internet Explorer. Follow the steps below:

 Steps to access the ONLINE student edition
Bon Voyage! - Level 1 - ©2008


1. Go to

2. Choose state: Oklahoma (from pull-down menu)

3. User: Student/Parent  

4. Subject: World Languages (from pull-down menu)

5. Click: ENTER

6. Click: French

7. Scroll down to our textbook: Bon Voyage! - Level 1 © 2008

8. Click Here to Enter Student Center

9. Click on: Online Student Edition (on two screens)

10. At the Student Login enter: B827C8E490, then click SUBMIT

Étudiez Bien!! 
Madame Frisillo