Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Le Monde Francophonie

Students in French having been working all month on projects about countries outside of France where the French language is spoken. The presentations are in the form of poster boards, travel brochures, power point presentations and even video. From Morocco to Canada, we are learning so many new things from our creative classmates!

A travel brochure for Belgium with a Belgian waffle cookie treat!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Monet Makes an Impression

Today we visited the Philbrook Museum of Art and toured the museum, gardens and special exhibit Monet and the Seine.  We learned how light and texture can affect the look of a painting and how Claude Monet influenced the world of art with his work. 

Middle School French students at Philbrook

The students try their hand at sketching the gardens
The garden and grounds of Philbrook are fantastic!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Middle School French to Tour Monet Special Exhibit at Philbrook

The Seine at Giverny
Claude Monet (French, 1840 – 1926)
Oil on canvas
Next Thursday, September 18th, students in Middle School French at All Saints will visit Philbrook Museum to tour the Claude Monet Special Exhibit: Monet and the Seine.  Monet lived outside Paris in the late 1800's at his garden home, Giverny, and is well known as the father of Impressionist painting. This is an incredible opportunity for the students to view original works of such an important and influential artist.  Below is a copy of the Field Trip Form that will come home with the students today.  Merci!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Student Project: Report on French Speaking Countries Outside of France

 Students in Middle School French have begun work on a research project on a French speaking country outside of France. Below are copies of the guidelines, components, and the rubric that have been handed out in class. We will have some time each week in class to research online, but students will be expected to complete much of the project outside of school. We will have weekly progress checkpoints for a grade as well, and these are communicated in class.  Please don't hesitate to contact me at afrisillo@allsaintsba.com if you have any questions. The project is due Tuesday, September 30. We are already having a great time learning about different French speaking countries around the world! Thank you all for your support!

Au revoir-
Madame Frisillo