Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Francophone Holiday Presentations

French students shared information about different holidays and festivals celebrated in French-speaking countries. We learned that while many of our holiday celebrations are similar, such as Noel (Christmas), others such as Poisson d'Avril and Bastille Day are very different. We sampled some traditional treats and received an original craft as well!

Poisson d'Avril
Fete de la Musique

Buche de Noel
La Creche

Bastille Day 
Marrakech International Film Festival

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Francophone Festival/Holiday Project

Research a particular holiday or celebration that is important in a Francophone culture such as Bastille Day (France), any other independence day, Christmas, Easter, St Nicholas Day, and Poisson d'Avril. Tell what is being celebrated and what traditions are associated with the holiday or festival. Discuss similarities and differences to similar holidays/festivals in the United States. You may write a report incuding pictures or design a creative power point presentation. Include pictures of the events, decorations, traditions, etc…

Due Tuesday, November 25th

Content (x10)
Presentation (x 4)
Neatness (x2)
Spelling/Grammar (x2)
Follows the chosen format and goes above and beyond the minimums stated in two meaningful ways.
Few errors in pronunciation of French places/people/foods.  Visuals are numerous and appropriate to project. Created a project that engaged the audience.  Extremely colorful & interesting.
Typed. Pictures are appropriate to project and extremely neat.
No spelling or grammar errors.
Follows the chosen format and goes above and beyond the minimums stated in one meaningful way.
Some errors in pronunciation.  Several visuals that are well created &/or appropriate to project.  Created a project that was pleasing to others.  Colorful & mostly interesting.
Very neatly written in pen. Double spaced. Pictures are appropriate to project.  Pictures are well placed, but poorly glued.
1-2 spelling or grammar errors
Follows the chosen format and meets minimums stated.
Several large errors in pronunciation.  Some visuals that are well created &/or appropriate to project. Observable attempt to create a project that would please others.  Some color & somewhat interesting.
Done in pen.  Writing is mostly legible. Pictures are appropriate to project. Pictures are ill-placed and poorly glued.
3 -4 grammar/spelling errors

Does not follow chosen format or does not meet minimums.
Poor pronunciation.
Few visuals and some are too small or not appropriate to project. Little observable attempt to create a project that would please others.
Done in pen.  Writing is barely legible. Pictures not entirely appropriate to project.  Pictures are poorly placed and glued.
5 -6 grammar/spelling errors
Does not follow chosen format and does not meet minimums.
Poor pronunciation. Extremely small visuals or none at all.  No color or observable attempt to create a project that would please others.
Done in pencil. Writing illegible. Pictures inappropriate to project. Pictures applied with tape.
7 or more spelling/grammar errors.
No attempt
No attempt
No attempt
No attempt

While some time will be provided during class to work on the project, please expect that your child will need to complete it at home. Take a moment and ask your French scholar what holiday they are researching :)


Madame Frisillo

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Turkey Day in France??

Did you know that not only do they not celebrate Thanksgiving in France, but the majority of French people don’t have a clue of what Thanksgiving is? 
For the French, the only idea of Thanksgiving they have is from American movies or sitcoms, where they can see the traditional, and often goofy or hilarious, Hollywood view of it.  
Here are some French terms related to Thanksgiving:
  • Un festin = a (food) feast
  • Une dinde = turkey (note: le dindon is the live animal)
  • La farce = the stuffing
  • Une purée de pomme de terre = mashed potatoes
  • Un épis de maïs = corn cob (note the pronunciation ma-iss)
  • Du pain de maïs = corn bread
  • Une sauce de canneberges/airelles = cranberry sauce
  • La sauce au jus de viande = gravy
  • Une tarte aux noix de pécans = pecan pie
  • Une tarte de pommes de terre douces = sweet potatoe pie
  • Une tarte au potiron = pumpkin pie
  • De la guimauve = marshmallow
  • Des haricots verts = green beens
  • La famille = family
  • Une réunion de famille = a family gathering
  • Dire ce pourquoi on est reconnaissants = to say what we are grateful for
  • Dire merci, remercier = to say thank you, to thank
  • La récolte = the harvest
  • Les indiens d’Amérique = Native Americans
  • Une colonie = a colony
  • Un pèlerin = a pilgrim
  • Une tradition = a tradition
  • Un match de football américain = a football match

  Bonne fête de l'Action de grâce!