Monday, November 27, 2017

7th Grade à la Mode!

7th graders showed off their knowledge of clothing and colors with a fashion show last week. They all prepared written scripts describing their outfit, then a classmate read the script while they sashayed across the stage. As you can see, they (well, most of them;) thoroughly enjoyed entertaining their audience. The rest of 7th grade and Ms. Scalet were in attendance for the big show! 

And while most of us know the term "à la mode" to mean "add ice cream to my pie", in French it means "to be in fashion, or fashionable" Ooo la la!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Joyeux Halloween!

French students celebrated Halloween by creating "les squelettes", Skeletons, from Q-tips and identified some body parts. We sang the song "Tête, Epaules, Genoux et Pieds" (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

We also learned different words in French related to Halloween by playing French Halloween Lotto!